Jason Hiaeshutter
Jason Bass
Rhythm Guitar
Chris Sparrow
Zakk macciomei

19TilDawn is an old school thrash band from Battle Creek, MI. They are described by some as a Megadeth/Iron Maiden hybrid due to their gravelly vocals and screaming guitar leads.
People have compared us to old school metal bands like Megadeth and Metallica. We are honored to be compared to such incredible musicians like them. But the truth is, we are 19TilDawn. Though we may have similar sounds to other bands, the many influences each member of 19TilDawn brings to the table creates a unique style all our own.
People think every band should be defined. An image, a sound, what makes the band who they are? We create a diverse sound that shatters the idea of grouping us into a single image or genre. We play what we feel and nobody will say, “that doesn't sound like you.” Because we are 19TilDawn, and we decide what sounds like us.
Line up
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As some of you may have noticed, the 19TilDawn line up has changed. Dean Gray and Joe Heit have made a very difficult choice to leave the band. There is no bad blood, or hard feelings, or nasty "you're fired" stories. But sometimes personal situations make being in a band very difficult. Dean and Joe will always be founding members of 19TilDawn we send nothing but love to our brothers while they figure out the next chapter of their lives.
On the positive note, our new line up is shaping up to be amazing. Chris Sparrow's nephew, Zakk Macciomei, who has pretty much been an honorary member of the band since about 2013 anyway, has joined the 19TilDawn Army as our new kick ass bass player. We are looking forward to a great future with Zakk as we hit the road and the studio in the near future.
As far as the bio videos below. We have decided not to take these down since the story of 19TilDawn has not changed just because certain members have. This band is no stranger to line up changes and these videos are a fair representation of who we are and what we've accomplished thus far.
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“Super band with a unique mix of heavy rock/punk/grunge metal, and you really can here it all including the super vocals of the lead singer there’s also a twist of good old rock n roll in there to. Vocally fantastic. Lyrically superb and the music well it rocks big time.”
"Go Ahead and Go" sounds like an old ballad track from Poison, which is a good contrast to "Crazy Man", a half-time track with a familiar sound the likes of Ozzy and Metallica. This gives way to the more traditional heavy melody, "Lurking Inside". Finally closing with a track that even though is not a cover of Megadeth, their influence is obvious with "The Evil We've created" (anyone who has heard "Countdown to Extinction" will know what we mean after hearing this track).
Miquel Ramirez - World Rock & Heavy Webzine
“The high rock energy from the music in this song is a real turn on. The way the singer rocks the lyrics is also a turn on. His voice sounds so cloudy and dark. This song represents the true rock music spirit with the hint of metal.”
Reverbnation Reviewer - Lurking Inside
“While the sound of these Americans, 19TilDawn, is hard to pigeonhole into a definitive style (something that we who take the time to listen and write reviews about like to do) it can be said that they took influence from the heavy metal, hard rock, and thrash metal sound of the eighties to create a CD like "The Evil We've Created". The vocal style of Jason Hiaeshutter, intentional or not, sounds quite similar to Dave Mustaine of Megadeth. Songs like "Martyr to my Faith", the choppy riff of "World Anew" or the more mosher beat of "Methodical Trigga Kay" in general makes them look pretty good for a debut CD. The quintet formed in 2010 and is comprised by Joe Heit (bass), the aforementioned Jason on vocals, guitarists Dean Gray, Jason Bass, and drummer Chris Sparrow.”
Miguel Ramirez - World Rock & Heavy Webzine
“love it! starts out taking you into dream realm then hits hard. good banging rhythm , reminds me of Metallica. I could draw/or paint to it its inspirational for me. this is a top seller heavy metal wise , release would prove profitable I know many people who would rock out to it. guitar solo rocks, good vocals and lyrics. drummer is awesome!”
Reverbnation reviewer - The Evil We've Created